Friday, November 6, 2009

My Second Day

I was not planning to write anything today but I wanted to report that as I was painting and listening to music, I was emotionally overwhelmed with the whole radiation ordeal. This surprised me as it had not bothered me all that much before I commenced yesterday. I was teary-eyed about it when my doctor friend called me to see how I was doing. He told me it is usually much harder emotionally when going through it than anticipating it. He was so right! He was very encouraging and had me laughing before we said our goodbyes.

While I was painting, I started thinking about how radiation is similar to God's presence in out lives. You may not see or feel Him, but he is quietly working behind the scenes to bring healing and a better future.

As I have gone to radiation the past few days, the song Grace By Which I Stand, by Keith Green keeps going though my mind.

Today's radiation was much less stressful. I almost fell asleep in the chamber. The worst thing was that it was about 3 hours round trip by bus for the whole ordeal. I am glad I have the weekend off!

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